
Helping With the Campaign

How Can You Help?

I have been stunned at the number of people who have encouraged me and offered to help once they heard I am running for City Council. The response has been truly humbling. If you would like to help by putting a yard sign up in your front yard or by helping me knock on doors to spread the word please Email me at Campaign@WescheForBridgeton.com. You can also help by helping me spread the word around Ward 1. Every vote counts and in these local elections your vote REALLY makes a difference.


I have had a few people ask about helping with the campaign. Unfortunately, I am not set up to receive donations so I must decline them. The laws/rules around campaign donations are a bit complicated and to make sure I play by the rules I decided to just not accept donations. If you would like to donate in my name to a local charity or organization that would be cool of you though!

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