
My Thoughts on the April 4th 2023 Election

I have had people ask me about my stances on other elections for Bridgeton and Saint Louis County. I wanted to make a post listing my understanding around issues and my opinion on them. It is possibly my opinion on a topic might change between the time I am writing and when I visit the polls.

I highly recommend visiting www.vote411.org to find out about what you will be voting for. You should be able to click on each topic and be taken to the Vote 411 site that discusses that topic.

Bridgeton Mayor

I think both Mayor Briggs and Councilman Hood are respectable men and fully believe they care about our city greatly. I think they both would make a great mayor. I thank both of them for the guidance and advice they have given me over the past 6+ months.

I tend to agree with Mayor Briggs on more topics, especially around 911 dispatch. I also really respect how Mayor Briggs has guided the city financially while in office. Not only are the pensions fully funded, but the city’s financial reserves are in an excellent state. My ideal outcome is to have Mayor Briggs reelected and to give Councilman Hood my vote the next election.

Bridgeton Judge

Only Judge Larrew is running and while I do not know him well, I have enjoyed each and every conversation with him. I appreciate the fact that I have heard he values working with people instead of seeing people as a source of revenue. I should note that Judge Larrew supports Proposition 3.

Pattonville School Board

I do not feel qualified to give an opinion on these people. I will say that Lisa Kickbusch was my 2nd grade teacher and I remember really liking her back then.

Bridgeton City Council, Ward 1

I plan to vote for myself. I also would really appreciate your support as well. If I did not feel like I was the best candidate for the job I would not be running.

Bridgeton Proposition M

I am for this. I think Bridgeton imposing a 3% tax on recreational marijuana makes sense and will help increase tax revenue.

Bridgeton Proposition 1

This proposition is poorly worded and last-minute changes to it makes it ineffective. Either way you vote the outcome will be the same (more or less). I plan on voting no due to the poor wording and because it won’t be an effective change.

Bridgeton Proposition 2

Campaigning is hard… very hard. I have invested over 100 hours into this campaign and have spent over $500. Not to mention how much you need to learn your first year to be truly effective. It also costs the city money to have these elections added to the ballots. I think letting a councilmember have a 3-year term makes perfect sense.

Bridgeton Proposition 3

Since Judge Larrew supports Proposition 3, I also support it. I think in a perfect world our Municipal Judge would live in Bridgeton, however currently I am told it is very difficult to fill the position with this requirement. I value having a high-quality judge over having one that lives in Bridgeton.

Bridgeton Proposition 4

I understand the arguments from each side on this issue. I have not yet decided which way I will vote.

Saint Louis County Proposition M

I have the same view on this as I do for Bridgeton’s Proposition M. I am for this. I think the county imposing a 3% tax on recreational marijuana makes sense and will help increase tax revenue.

Another Bridgeton resident, Karl Redman, put together a page where he discusses Bridgeton Propositions 1 through 4. If you would like to see how he interprets these propositions you can view his page at https://bridgetonmo.info.

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